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Thread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 10 post(s) |

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.28 21:32:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 28/07/2010 21:35:56
I tried to vote, when I clicked eVe for European Game of the Year all I got was...
"We're sorry for any inconvenience you may be experiencing, please submit a petition if you wish to discuss this issue further...in 18 months."
...sound familiar? Fix whats broken instead of making sub-par new content and you'll have my vote in a split second. I actually like eVe alot, but there is just so much wrong/broken in it that wasn't before...and you guys seemed to care about it then...start caring again!
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.29 17:28:00 -
CCP, I'll make this as plain as I can. I love eVe, the universe you've created, the freeform interaction (yes even the non-concentual PvP), the fact that I can do what I want where I want to do it.
I want to continue loving eVe and have no intention of unsubbing or any of that non-sense...I will...must however, add my voice to those that feel ingored, and unappraciated as a customer and a part of (no matter how small) the income that you enjoy as a company and service provider...
1)I look forward to Incarna...IF its done right.
2)I'll even tolerate DUST 514...IF its done right.
I'll admit, I didn't vote for eVe:Tyrannis due to the fact that the last 2 exspansions have broken far more things than they offered as content...and added a few more broken things as a bonus.
Please, for the sake of the community that has grown around this universe you've created...listen to your players/customers.
The anger that the players are expressing is based on what we all know eVe was, should be, and can evolve into.
Most of it isn't because your player base hates you...it because we love eVe and want it to become the best, longest lived MMO in the world...of all time.
Help us realize the dream you inspired, the dream that is eVe.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.29 18:04:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 29/07/2010 18:04:22
Originally by: Lrrp
Originally by: Grath Telkin
Hell, you'll be lucky if you can still afford a marketing department at the rate your going.
You ever wonder where the marketing team from SOE went? Nah, couldn't be.
They're still trying to figure out the spin for FLS (Failing Labs Sortaware). 
...just sayin'.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.29 19:39:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 29/07/2010 19:39:15
Originally by: mamolian It's been years since I experienced any major lag.. People have such short memories.. I remember being in yulai with 80 in local and the lag comparable now to jita with 1100..
To say CCP is doing nothing to fix lag is not only ridiculous.. its malicious 
I won't lie, this thread is a bag of ****.
"Sorry our logs show nothing, if you feel the need to discuss this issue further submit a petition...thank you"
...come out of the basement once in while.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.29 20:31:00 -
"BLAME THE VOLCANO!"...its about as good as any other B*LL-SH*T damage control lies that have been used so far, proly better.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.29 20:47:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 29/07/2010 20:47:29
Originally by: Abulurd Boniface I just found the reason for all the lag in the system: it's thousands of people on one shard incessantly complaining about lag. All those messages have to be sent and received and it ads an ungodly amount of needless traffic through the pipe that would otherwise have gone to more useful things such as, top of my head here, placing a carrier on the grid in less time than it takes for the greater EVE community [oh, what boisterous venom is captured in that word] to erupt in a whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance.
CCP have: - greatly enhanced the beauty of the gaming world - offered new ways to make ones own fortune - created a greater challenge in establishing dominion - made improvements in mineral yields for miners [true, more can be done] - continuously invested in better hardware which will translate in a better user experience - made it possible for more people to make tentative steps into the shadow world of zero-sec and take a peek at all the riches that can be had - continuously made improvements to the user interface [although it would be too kind to say that work is done] - created a user base that is as fiercely fanatical as it can be childishly impetuous [and not very strong in the spelling department] - been just about the only [that I am aware of] MMO that has created a system of persistent user representation through the CSM. It is not perfect, but no form of government is. - been nothing short of generous [100000 extra skill points -and- a free new spaceframe for -every- account] whenever it feared it had overly burdened its user base.
And all this with a flair for technological innovation and pizzaz that does not have an equal in the universe of online gaming on planet Earth today.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.29 21:11:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 29/07/2010 21:13:08
Ok CCP...30 pages of YOUR customer base, from Null-Sec to High-Sec telling you, asking you, pleading with you...and all asking for the same thing...hardly a troll in the bunch...doesn't that drop a not so subtle hint?
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.30 19:42:00 -
*sighs and shakes head*
(sometimes words just aren't worth the effort) 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.30 20:25:00 -
A picture is worth 1000 words...
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.30 20:51:00 -
There is a rumor that this was put out on slashdot.com, does anyone know about it? I guess CCP has a LOT of damage control to do.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.07.30 21:18:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 30/07/2010 21:22:22
CCP...CCP...hello...hello...Beuller...Beuller...anyone home?
Is that a dev -alt under me? V V V V V
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.02 14:18:00 -
Originally by: Blane Xero
Originally by: TheBlueMonkey If there was a vote for "least **** mmo"
Least **** is no different than Best, it's only different wording in order to give the illusion of difference as if to paint it in a different light.
Ummm...just because your the ONLY game in town doesn't make you the BEST game in town. For the record, I didn't vote for eVe...I didn't vote against it either.
btw...your bridge called, it misses its troll and wants you to come home.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.02 16:42:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 02/08/2010 16:46:32
Originally by: DeathCanWait i will be perfectly honest here: all u whiners can go and suck the milk from a dead cow while playing a game better than eve. You idiots must understand that every game out there had its ups and downs .... wow has crashes and mega lags in wintergrasp ... lineage kept failing on mass sieges ... even CoD is filled with hacks and ****.
Just because CCP failed with its latest free expansion doesn`t have to mean that the game sucks or is broken ... for me at least its great and i love it. If u don`t like it GTFO ... if u`r playin it .. vote for it!
FYI...its been 2 "have to be subscribed to get" expansions since things got broken. Go back to W.O.W...they need moar trolls there. 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.02 17:10:00 -
Originally by: Captain Mung
Of course we should vote for EvE as the best game in the universe when it has awesome features like these!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxbuiUlU47I
This...I lol'd! 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.02 21:22:00 -
Nah...why would they waste resources fixing lag and latency when they're "working as expected". 
/sarcasm off
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 15:20:00 -
Originally by: Jamus Gorrelius And still no reply lol
Do we mean that little to you?
"The research does not support that caring about the current player base is more profitable than attracting new players with shiny new mini-games and half finished content and a first person shooter that we already think will tank at release". 
/sarcasm off
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 16:21:00 -
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 16:41:00 -
I fond it very interesting that the moderators/Devs are all over the rest of the forums with comments/editing/removing...yet they are strangely absent from this thread...hmmmmmmm. 
...just sayin'
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 18:51:00 -
To the top with you!
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 20:00:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 03/08/2010 20:02:18
Originally by: Zeba
Originally by: Leonard Delmordaine lol... you must live in empire... since most of the alliances i know do plexes and ratting.
Sure there is some level of that in every alliance but each system can only support so much of that due to spawn rates which still leaves the vast majority of members to seek the not quite as good but still excellent isk of highsec. But tell me this? Are those activites lagged out when there is no fleet fight eating up the nodes performance? Or is anyone even remotely disatisfied with the content they provide? Hmmmm? Remember the entire game is supposedly broken and unplayable if you do anything in nullsec says the annoyed fleet fight players. 
Zeba, with all due respect...the point your missing is that the game does not do what CCP promised it WOULD do, what it is STILL advertised to do, what it DID 2 expansions ago.
You have to admit that comments like "Research does support that..." and "We will address these issues in 18 months after we finish DUST514", are bound to set the player base off like dynamite. Especially when they are followed by "Vote for eVe...".
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 20:16:00 -
Originally by: Zeba Collective reply:
One needs only to keep track of the map with pilots active in space to see that nullsec is hardly ever populated except for when there is a fight going on. So where are all these tens of thousands of alliance members at then? Oh yeah in low sec and high sec on their alts. It might even be true that the entirely of an alliances members are literally in nullsec at all times but those same members are still in low sec and high sec with their alts playing the game. How do I know this? Because I play right along with them in fw. Most are bored with nullsec due to the blobbyness or lack of fights but still stay joined to the corp on the cap ship main for those times when there is some action to be had. Also to the ones now defending the population of nullsec with the cry of 'zomg we do other stuff in lullsec besides fleet fights and we NEVER go to high sec so how dare you compare me to a carebear!!!111' welp it sure must be pretty playable in nullsec then.. Seems you guys keep cutting your own arguments legs off in mid stride.. So what is it? Is eve broken and unplayable or not?
Did you ever wonder WHY Null-Sec is so underpopulated these days? I'm not even a veteran null-sec player and I can figure it out...
To take and hold territory in null-sec requires FLEETS, and fleetbattles lag out and go *flop*.
...not that difficult when really think about the issue.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 20:42:00 -
Originally by: Captain Yifan
Originally by: Zeba Is eve broken and unplayable or not?
I'm not saying the game is broken (now define the word 'broken'?). To me, WoW and all the other MMOs are 10000 times more broken than EvE on its worst day. I will say this one last time: Your argument is based on a staw man fallacy:
What we are mad/angry/emorage/fuming/upset about, is the fact that CCP proudly declares publically (well, have to admire their honesty, though) that it is not going to fix multiple issues (including ones that actually concerns high-sec activities and FW, aka, ones that matters to you) despite acknowledge it a long time ago, and now is bold (shameless, pants on head?) enough to appeal to us to vote for them in a gaming reward. While you are claiming that we are mad because we feel the game is dying because we cant 'blob vs blob' anymore.
To summarise, EvE is not dying, and while it has bugs that needs to be resolved it is still a very deep, immersive and entertaining game. However, when CCP decides to treat its playerbase like $insert_obscene_object then there will be an inevitable kick in the backside to remind them that who actually feed their hamsters.
I have nothing more to say on this matter. and, last, shameless bump.
*bump* Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 21:19:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 03/08/2010 21:19:03
Originally by: Zeba np. Quashing self centered ignorance is a hobby of mine.
Is this a case of using FIRE to fight FIRE...oh wait! 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 21:44:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 03/08/2010 21:44:12
Originally by: Zeba They say that the light of truth burns like a fire in the mind of the troll. So yeah the fire of logic vs the flames of the trolls is a valid comparison.
But I...you...but...your a...wait...WHAT? 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.03 21:57:00 -
/moar popcorn...nom-nom-nom. 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.04 17:43:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 04/08/2010 17:43:57
...get the point? 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.04 20:50:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 04/08/2010 20:50:52
Originally by: MarcusMaximus Milius
...just fear its creators hav givin up on it :(
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.05 02:30:00 -
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion King

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.05 15:25:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 05/08/2010 15:25:21
I have a suggestion for CCP...BLAME THE VOLCANO!
Its no less ridiculous than anything your PR contractors have said...just sayin'. 
...that will cost you (1) fixed game please, pretty cheap considering what you proly spent on damage control PR. 
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion King

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.05 19:22:00 -
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion King

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.05 20:09:00 -
/moar popcorn 
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.06 16:05:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 06/08/2010 16:06:40
Originally by: Drek Grapper Edited by: Drek Grapper on 06/08/2010 15:43:35 Actions speak louder than words people...
The drop in revenue would surely get someone to WAKE UP 
Edit: oh and page 66 snipe!!
Nah...they would just drop eVe and move on to something even moar insipid, like "Hello-Kitty/DUST-Bunny/(Incarna)Expansion" or something. 
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.07 20:52:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 07/08/2010 20:52:59
I found it difficult to put a lot of faith in an article that ends with...
"Place orders for eve isk here, we will give you the best service and the lowest price, so come and get it here right now."
...but maybe thats just me. 
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.09 12:41:00 -
Originally by: Micheal Newmann
Originally by: Alex's Slave 2010.07.28 10:56:26
Victim: EVE Online Corp: Crowd Control Publications Alliance: NONE Faction: NONE Destroyed: Faith System: Broken Security: 1.0 Damage Taken: 60,453 Involved parties:
Name: EVE Playerbase (laid the final blow) Security: 5.0 Corp: Various Alliance: Crusaders for Excellence Faction: NONE Ship: Subscription Weapon: Subscription Cancelling Autocannon II Damage Done: 60,453
Destroyed items:
Reputation II Customer Satisfaction I (Qty. 4)
Dropped items:
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.09 18:41:00 -
"Our records show nothing" 
Crappy Content Providers
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.11 14:38:00 -
Originally by: Desert Ice78 So Zymurgist......After 75 pages, I would love to hear how YOU think the voting campaign for the European Games Award is going??
After 75 pages of 0% noteworthy response you expect to hear anything? You...my friend, are an optimist! 
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.13 17:59:00 -
Originally by: King Aires Getting far too close to the bottom... STAY UP
Thats what SHE said! 
...keep the threadnaught alive!
Bump. Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.13 20:08:00 -
Originally by: Zeba
Also in before the usual 'they only did it because we stamped our feet and fussed like little kids everywhere there was a reply to post button' poast.
I have to disagree Zeba...its moar like, 'The PR people we hired finally got the best language together so that we can make it sound like we give a s**t.' It took how long for them to even say anything about it? It would have been more professional to have addressed it before it became as big a bi**h-fest as it has. Thats called good customer relations...oh wait.
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.13 20:35:00 -
Originally by: Zeba
Originally by: Syn Callibri
Originally by: Zeba
Also in before the usual 'they only did it because we stamped our feet and fussed like little kids everywhere there was a reply to post button' poast.
I have to disagree Zeba...its moar like, 'The PR people we hired finally got the best language together so that we can make it sound like we give a s**t.' It took how long for them to even say anything about it? It would have been more professional to have addressed it before it became as big a bi**h-fest as it has. Thats called good customer relations...oh wait.
Amazing. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Also I didn't realise responding to the usual forum trolls was supposed to be a design priority to actually fixing the issues the game has. If anything the real effect all these blogs will have is to take away the time and most importantly the focus the devs in question need to do their work. It's not a good practice to pull code junkies out of their programming trance to explain themselves to the monkeys. So good going guys for delaying the fix to lag yet again. Proud of yourselves?
Stay away from my house though as I don't want it burnt down.
The honest, but unfortunate reality is that mixed in with the trolls there were some very insightful and seriously concerned players that wanted answers to the question.
Also, "usual forum trolls". Pot - kettle...kettle - pot.
Syn Callibri Ilharess to the Scorpion Tribe

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.16 19:40:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 16/08/2010 19:42:19
All this award does is let CCP say "See, we dont have to listen to you and we can still win awards"...meh, whatever. 
Ilharess Syn Callibri of the Scorpion Clan

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.16 20:00:00 -
Originally by: Zeba
Originally by: Syn Callibri Ummm Zeba, if the non-vocal majority of players have spoken...where does that make you?
I'm simply vocal. Call me a loose forum cannon if you wish.
Originally by: Syn Callibri All this award does is let CCP say "See, we dont have to listen to you and we can still win awards"...meh, whatever. 
I'm sure that small knot of protesters outside a government/corporation office holding the signs with 'Save the blue prickle backed grasshopper from extinction! Vote no to the new factory/school/whatevah!' feel exactly the same way when they get ignored.
"Loose forum cannon". 
Ilharess Syn Callibri of the Scorpion Clan

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.17 13:56:00 -
Originally by: Professor Tarantula
Originally by: Lahari It was also a great chance to drop that uglydance link.
Just to gloat a little myself, here's a prophecy of mine back on page 78.
Originally by: Professor Tarantula Watch them win, and cause an even larger community outrage.
However, I'd like you all to refrain from becoming my followers and treating me like divinity, and instead send me monies as a sign of your reverence.
<bows reverantly> You are a wise man Professor T., a wise and enlightened man. 
Ilharess Syn Callibri of the Scorpion Clan

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.19 19:06:00 -
Edited by: Syn Callibri on 19/08/2010 19:06:11
Originally by: Ji Sama ...coincidently are running a few trash mmo websites, that no one reads anyways!
Ummm...your wrong, very wrong.
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Clan Blacklight Inc., Fleet Defense command

Syn Callibri
Minmatar Blacklight Incorporated
Posted - 2010.08.19 20:31:00 -
Originally by: Plac3Holder Edited by: Plac3Holder on 19/08/2010 20:17:00
Originally by: HarrietMiers Edited by: HarrietMiers on 19/08/2010 18:05:05
Originally by: Plac3Holder I agree with you both. This thread did exactly what it was intended to do - get people to vote for EvE and help it win.
You are really, really stupid if you think CCP was happy about this thread. The award means nothing, the bad press across a dozen MMO sites and the mass user outrage look awful.
Hard to think when your head is up the developer's bum, no?
You are really, really stupid if you think the pathetic, childish emo-raging in this thread meant anything.
We'll see the impact of the "bad press from fansites written by disgruntled, noisy fans" over time. My guess is that there will be none. EvE will continue to grow, CCP will continue to tune, tweak and perfect their game, and all the sad, sad little people complaining in this thread will continue to subscribe.
It'll be devastating.
The troll train left on the 11th...you missed it. 
Syn Callibri Ilharess of the Scorpion Clan Blacklight Inc., Fleet Defense command